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Today we have approximately 1,000 recorded lectures from Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l on Tanach, Ein Yaakov, Halacha, Likutei Moharan and Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom.
Rabbi Rosenfeld’s shiurim were imbued with his vast knowledge of Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, Kabbalah - but inevitably the underlying theme of all his shiurim was always Rabbi Nachman’s teachings.
The following are currently being prepared for print in multiple languages:
Stories of the Talmud (Ein Yaakov) and Breslov Chassidus
The Prophets (Tanach) and Breslov Chassidus
Commentary on Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom (Sichos Haran)
Jewish Law (Halacha) and Breslov Chassidus
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